Operating Effectively 204: Fundraising & Events

What You'll Learn

From hosting a small concession stand to an annual gala, fundraising and events are often an important part of the life of a nonprofit organization. This skills course takes you through the basics of hosting a fundraiser, as well as introduces a few fundamental concepts to understand before engaging in fundraising activity. Completing this course will give you the basic foundation you need to confidently plan the events and fundraising activities your organization needs to thrive.

Lesson 1

Considering a Fundraiser? What You Should Know about Charitable Solicitation Regulation

Does your website feature a “donate” button for online donations? Does your organization receive contributions from donors? Are you thinking of hosting an annual gala or walkathon? Do you send requests for donations via U.S. mail? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, your organization must assess whether it is subject to charitable solicitation registration laws and regulations in one or more states.

Lesson 2

Charitable Giving

Charitable donations benefit both the recipient charitable organization and the donors. For the organizations, donations provide tax-free revenue to fund programming and services. For the donor, donations provide an opportunity to engage with important initiatives and, from a practical standpoint, to take an income tax deduction for the amount donated. To take advantage of these benefits and create positive interactions with donors, charitable organizations should educate themselves on the following basic principles and best practices for receiving charitable donations.

Lesson 3

Best Practices for Hosting a Concession Stand

Churches, schools, and other religious organizations have traditionally hosted concession stands to fundraise, create strong communities, and foster fellowship at events. This article sheds light on some best practices for those who desire to host a concession stand and who may have questions on how to lawfully do so.

Lesson 4

Multi-State Compliance Matrix

Containing tax information, charitable registration statute details, and additional facts on local regulations, the multi-state matrix hosts all of the relevant information specifically for faith-based nonprofit activity. Understanding and acting on these rules and regulations is essential for any nonprofit’s operation; Napa Legal has made it possible to access all of this information in one place. Whether you are a total newcomer to nonprofit law or an experienced lawyer doing research, this resource is for you.

Lesson 5

An Introduction to Deputized Fundraising

Deputized fundraising (DF) has been common among religious organizations for several decades. For religious organizations, DF is a natural part of mission outreach—many people who are convicted by the mission want to support a missionary, and it is those people who feel directly connected to the organization’s work that are often its strongest donors. To understand the model, it is necessary to understand its practical implications, applicable IRS tax consequences, and employment considerations.

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Lesson 14