The name of NLI’s blog, And God’s First, is inspired by St. Thomas More, who was convicted of treason and executed by Henry VIII for refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy. More’s witness has inspired people of faith for many centuries, as he stood firmly for the rights of conscience despite pressure from the King.

“On his way to the Tower one of his daughters, named Margaret, pushed through the archers and guards, and held him in her embrace some time without being able to speak. Afterwards More, asking leave of the archers, bade her have patience, for it was God's will, and she had long known the secret of his heart. After going 10 or 12 steps she returned and embraced him again, to which he said nothing, except to bid her pray to God for his soul; and this without tears or change of color. On the Tuesday following he was beheaded in the open space in front of the Tower. A little before his death he asked those present to pray to God for him and he would do the same for them [in the other world.] He then be sought them earnestly to pray to God to give the King good counsel, protesting that he died his faithful servant, and God's first."

The Paris Newsletter Account of More’s Trial and Execution,
August 4, 1535

XC Foundation v. Commissioner: A Cautionary Tale of Noncompliance

August 14, 2024 | The danger of noncompliance is revealed in a recent federal Tax Court case called XC Foundation v. Commissioner, which presents a cautionary tale for nonprofit organizations. When an organization fails to do something as basic as remain in good standing in its state of incorporation, the consequences can be as severe as losing its ability to have standing in court, even losing its right to exist.


Good Counselor Project Impact Story: About the People, Not Just the Books

August 9, 2024 | When I first saw the email from the Catholic Bar Association announcing the inaugural Good Counselor Project call for applications, I couldn’t believe it. A program tailored to young attorneys wanting to receive a classical Great Books education later in life seemed too good to be true. Were there really others out there like me? At the time, I had very few friends serious about the faith; faithful attorney friends were quite rare. It was such a specific niche. I knew I had to jump on the opportunity. I quickly put together my application and submitted it well before the deadline.


Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules that Catholic Charter School Violates Oklahoma and U.S. Constitutions

July 30, 2024 | On June 25, 2024, the Oklahoma Supreme Court handed down its opinion in Drummond ex rel. State v. Oklahoma Statewide Charter School Board, answering the important question of whether St. Isidore of Seville—a Catholic, virtual, K-12 charter school (the School)—can contract with the state’s Charter School Board (the Board) to operate with public funding in the State of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that the arrangement between the School and the Board was unconstitutional under the Oklahoma Constitution, as well as under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.


St. Thomas More and the Virtue of Not Wasting Time

June 21, 2024 | Speaking to the Good Counselor Project - Napa Legal Institute’s fellowship program for young, devout Christian attorneys - the great scholar of St. Thomas More, Dr. Gerard Wegemer, was asked a simple question: what does St. Thomas More have to teach young, committed, American Catholic attorneys in the twenty-first century? Dr. Wegemer’s response was, for me, the highlight of the entire program: “You need to pray and study. Seriously. This needs to be regular, every day.” Those words have the potential to be life changing and culture changing.


Key Takeaways for Nonprofits in Billard v. Charlotte Catholic High School

May 20, 2024 | A few weeks ago, the Fourth Circuit decided in Billard v. Charlotte Cath. High Sch.[1]that it was permissible under Title VII’s ministerial exception for Charlotte Catholic High School to refuse to continue the employment of a substitute teacher who was openly living in a same-sex relationship. This blog post provides a summary of the case, as well as a few takeaways for nonprofits.


Vocation of a Lawyer: Peace

April 10, 2024 | Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and something that should be sought by all Christians. But the effects of peace have particular significance for the professional life of the lawyer. The peaceful lawyer will accomplish his tasks with professionalism and diligent hard work. He will not waste time, so that he completes his work in a timely manner and is not constantly overwhelmed about approaching deadlines. And by working hard and efficiently, he will be able to give his work the amount of time it properly deserves but will not let it consume his schedule and his entire life.


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