2022 Good Counselor Project Fellows

Kerry Hunt

Kerry Hunt currently serves as General Counsel in the U.S. Senate, where she has worked since the Fall of 2019. A graduate of Notre Dame Law School, Kerry moved to the Washington, DC area to pursue a career in public interest and public policy. Her current work focuses on judiciary issues, including religious liberty, criminal justice, immigration, and the courts.

Prior to law school, Kerry studied French, Political Science, and Constitutional Studies at the University of Notre Dame. As one of the first fellows of the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and Public Life at Notre Dame, Kerry gained a renewed interest in and appreciation for the importance of civil discourse on the fundamental issues facing society today, particularly those involving faith, citizenship, and public life. She feels fortunate to have had opportunities to contribute to that discourse in the U.S. Senate, and hopes to continue this work in her future career pursuits. Kerry hails from Memphis, Tennessee, where she and her three siblings were raised by their loving parents.

Content Contributions:

- Whitepaper: How Local Laws and Regulations Can Impact your Organization's Religious Liberty